Sunday 17 January 2016

Thursday 7 January

This morning we all rode over to Nan and Pop's to have a swim with my cousins. We didnt swim for long because it was pretty cold. We rode back to the caravan because Dad had an eye appointment at specsavers today. The guy that served him talked and talked. I stopped listening after about two seconds and I was bored after two more seconds. I went and started trying on glasses and I found some cool red PUMA ones (i want an eye test). After like two more hours of mind numbing talking and watching dad try on glasses we finally left and as I did I checked my ears for blood! Then we went to woolworths for like an hour checking for all the mark downs and specials, but we spent most of the time standing at the ruduced trollys!! After shopping we rode back over to Nan and Pops for happy hour  (again!!). 

Saturday 9 January 

Today I went crabbing with uncle Garry at 6:00 am. It was a nice morning until we got to the bait shop! it smelt like fish frames and seaweed. After Uncle Gary got a bucket of fish frames, heads too, we headed for the river. We were on the water for ages (not complaining!) By the end of the day we ended up with 25 massive crabs and some bream which were in in the traps too. We took them back to the river bank and cleaned them. Mum, dad, Samantha and Mitchell were also out on the river. They got some crabs too. We all ended up back at Pops.  I did some wood work for the first time. Pop set me up with some bits of wood and I made a cool dagger, an axe and a machine gun. I'm not bragging or anything but I'm damn good at using a bench grinder! It was Gary's birthday today so everyone got together to celebrate with a bbq dinner and of course crab. I slept at Nan and pops.

Sunday 10 January

I got to sleep in at Nan and Pops. After I got up we went to IGA and Nan got some specials. Again! We went out to my Great Nanna's birthday in the afternoon. She is 91 years old. I saw Grandma and lots of other relations. There were so many sloppy kisses I should have taken a snorkel and towel.

Monday 11 January 

Today we all went out crabbing again. Pop had a bucket of fish heads and frames that had gone off. He wanted us to throw it in the river. As we lifted it out of the truck the stink flooded my nostrils. It was horribly vile. I was going to gag but if I opened my mouth the stink would have gone in and I would be tasting it too!! It was ok while we were on the river until dad had to open it up to get rid of it. It was in a plastic bag and it had a sweaty cheese look. I wish I wasn't sitting next to dad when he opened it. While we were up the river we saw a dolphin and her baby calf swimming. I also saw a big eagle flying around in circles.  We caught some massive crabs.

Tuesday 12 January  

Pancake Tuesday today. Dad cooked up a massive stack of pancakes and we had them with maple syrup and caramel icecream. While dad was cooking them Nan and mum went down to meet the trawlers. They came home with prawns, flathead and whiting. It was $4 a kilo for flathead and $3.50 for whiting. The prawns cost $25 per kilo. Dad and Pop went out and got the crab traps that were left in over night and they got even more crabs.

Wednesday 13 January 

It was stinking hot today but it didn't stop us from riding our bikes around the caravan park. We were going to go on a picnic but it was too hot. So we went shopping instead. I needed new thongs and dad and me found some battleships that fit me. They're really big and dad swears by them. Mum hates them. She reckons they look stupid. Dad told me to wear them on the wrong feet and that way they will wear more evenly. He also told me not to let mum catch me doing it coz she would think it was more stupid. She did.

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